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Say hello to our new GM Chloe

Say hello to our new GM Chloe

We are pleased to welcome Chloe Everitt to the Sandy Mount House team as our new general manager.

Chloe brings lots of experience in the hospitality industry and is looking forward to continuing to help develop our offer and build on the great service ethos which is at the heart of the SMH experience.

Dweud helô wrth ein RhC Newydd; Chloe

Mae’n bleser gennym groesawu Chloe Everitt i dîm y Sandy Mount House fel ein rheolwr cyffredinol newydd.

Daw Chloe atom gyda thomen o brofiad yn y diwydiant lletygarwch, ac edrycha hi ymlaen at barhau i ddatblygu ein cynigion ac adeiladu ar yr ethos gwasanaeth arbennig sydd wrth wraidd y profiad a geir yn y SMH.

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