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The Gin Tin is open!

The Gin Tin is open!

The glorious Easter weekend provided the perfect opportunity for the opening of the Sandy Mount House Gin Tin and BBQ.

Located in the garden at the rear of Sandy Mount House, the Gin Tin will be serving a selection of sizzlingly good burgers plus a drinks menu of beer, Prosecco – and of course gin!

The Gin Tin and BBQ will be open at weekends over the summer months when the weather is good. Best to give us a call if you’d like to check in advance.

Mae’r Gin Tin wedi agor!

Fe wnaeth y pewnwythnos pasg godidog ddarparu’r cyfle delfrydol i lansio Gin Tin a BBQ y Sandy Mount House eleni.

Wedi’i leoli yn ardd gefn y Sandy Mount House, bydd y Gin Tin yn gweini dewis rhagorol o fyrgyrs ynghyd â dewislen diodydd yn cynnwys lager, Prosecco – ac, wrth gwrs, jin!

Bydd y Gin Tin a’r BBQ ar agor ar benwythnosau dros fisoedd yr haf pan fo’r tywydd yn addawol. Argymhellwn wirio o flaen llaw drwy roi galwad i ni.

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